
Sunday, July 3, 2011

New Baby!

I'm not feeling funny or entertaining today at allll because I'm distracted by baby. And I apologize in advance for being mooshy.

My older sister had her very first baby at 2:21 this morning, which means that I was up until about 6. Then my mom and I went to the hospital at 4 this afternoon, bearing gifts and love to share with our brand new, perfect family member. And by "perfect," I mean there is absolutely nothing wrong with her, and she is perfectly happy being passed around to be cuddled and Oooooh'd at. She is a perfect little person who impressed us all with her ability to do smart things like look around and sneeze adorably. We are already sure she is a genius.

So anyway, if I thought of anything funny within the last 24 hours, I don't remember what it was. At all. If there was any chance of me having any recollection of these funny things, that chance was destroyed when I first saw the baby and cried for twenty minutes.

You try looking at your freshly born niece, who you have been waiting to meet for nine months, and try to remember exactly how you expressed your opinion of Half & Half.
You won't.

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