I changed the layout of the blog.
Now, instead of Hermione (That MS Paint drawing was Hermione), it's a picture I took of some of my unicorns. You're probably thinking Why does she have so many unicorns...? Well, guess what? That's not even one-third of them, so stop judging me. If you're going to judge me, do it properly, and know the correct number of unicorns.
You can't do that, though, because I don't even know how many I have. I just know that it's a lot, and I couldn't even take all of them with me to college. There are still so many of them at my mom's house that almost every time I come over she says things like "Take some more stuff back with you!" As if she has things just waiting around to be put on the shelves in my bedroom.
Anyway! I hope it's not obnoxiously bright now. I know before it was pretty neautral-y, and now it's very pink-y, which is a big change. I hope no one hates me now.
If you do hate me, though, I guess you can tell me. Maybe I'll change it back.
Oh, hey, also, I guess there are six cats that eat the food at my house.... I saw one today that looked just like Captain Falcon, and it didn't have a collar. So I went outside to put a collar on it, because I thought it was Captain Falcon, but it ran away under the house! Mommy Kitty was there, and she watched it run under the away, then looked at me. I asked her "Who was that?" And she replied with an ugly hiss, so I told her to stop being so ungrateful, and if she wants to be rude, she can go live under someone else's house.
And! There's a treehouse in the backyard that has two stories. The first story used to be a chicken coop, when we had chickens last year. Now it's a play area for the kittens. Which is awesome.
I'd take a picture, but apparently Mommy Kitty has taught her kittens to be equally ungrateful because they run away every time I go to watch them.
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