
Tuesday, July 5, 2011

The Fourth of July!

Happy (late) Fourth of July!
Yesterday was definitely my favorite Fourth of July of all time. I spent five hours with my sister, her fiancé, and their adorable, cuddly, perfect baby. I rocked her, and petted her tummy, and kissed her beautiful head.

Anyway, I figured I'd talk about the Fourth of July.

I really never liked it. I don't like loud noises, or bugs, or crowds, or sitting on grass. Or even hotdogs! So this holiday never had much to offer me.

A couple years ago, the city of Kissimmee decided they weren't allowing parking on the lakefront, or something, so my mom, my grandparents, and I drove to a creepy Albertson's parking lot so these creepy city-run buses could drive us to the lakefront.

I hate buses. Every single time I get on a bus, I am suspicious that the bus is going to drive us all to a concentration camp. I feel anxious the whole ride, even if it's two hours long. I stare out the windows, wondering Could they hide a concentration camp back here...? Will people be able to hear us dying? 

I don't know where this paranoia comes from, but all I can think of is that I'm 1/16 Jewish. 

Not all of my Independence Day memories make me feel sad and scared for my past self, though. My favorite memory, other than the one of tonight, is of when my dad and I went to the lakefront all by ourselves, for the first and only time, and watched the fireworks. Earlier that day he bought me a little sketchbook, because I used to believe I could draw, and I took it with me. I drew some fireworks and palm trees. I asked him to draw something for me.

Usually my dad doesn't do things like draw, or paint, or color. That night, though, he drew me an Ewok. I didn't know what an Ewok was because I was probably six years old, and my attention span was way too short to watch Star Wars. I really only liked to watch Blue's Clues, Busytown, and Toy Story. Star Wars was, and is, way too long. I don't think I've ever fully watched any of the movies.

So anyway, I don't even remember the fireworks, or the horrible loudness, and the itchy bugs and grass. I remember my daddy drawing me a little alien-thingey.

I apologize for being mooshy again! I held my niece for over and hour today, and I'm still filled with love and happiness. She has soft skin that smells like baby and adorableness.
Also! In The Baby Place of the hospital is this coffee/hot chocolate/tea machine, where you can get unlimited, free, magical hot beverages! I figured out how to make cappucinos, so I made lots of them and drank them alll! I'm sure that if I didn't hold the baby so much, they would have thought I visited just for the free drinks.

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