I feel like this is really going to be my year, and I mean that in the most cliché way possible. The reason for this is that I'm going to get all my resolutions DOWN. I'm going to be the most accomplished girl in my entire bedroom.
Here is my list, in no particular order:
1. Eat food every day, on at least two separate occasions.
2. Remember how to spell
3. Wake up on December 22nd.
4. Exercise for at least two minutes a day.
5. Stop consuming so much caffeine.
6. Use relative terms to your own advantage more often.
7. Read some books, sometimes.
8. Be less of a bitch.
9. Stop cursing so goddamn much.
10. Write at least five posts for this blog.
I'm already doing pretty well on a few of these, so I can really see myself sticking with them.
I've never made any new year's resolutions, ever, so I feel kind of crazy starting out with such difficult goals. I believe in myself, though.
The energy I get from consuming food should cancel out the energy I lose from not consuming as much caffeine as I'm used to, so I should still be able to focus on not telling people to shut the fuck up while I read a book and run on the tread mill.
So 2012 is going to be my year. I guess it can be your year, too, but you'll have to pry it from my cold, dead hands. And good luck doing that because I'm going to be so fit and positive and alive on December 22nd, that you might as well not even try. There will only be ten days left in the year, so what is the point, really?
I'd work on sharing more, but there's just not room on my list. I wanted to keep it simple at ten items, and all the others are so important. So, yea. Sorry.
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